Giant urethral stone with diverticulum; a case report

Giant urethral stone with diverticulum

  • Asad Ramzan Student, Shalamar Medical College, Lahore.
  • Adeen Akram Postgraduate Resident, Department of Dermatology, District Head Quarter Hospital Faisalabad.
  • Suaiba Saif Post-Graduate Resident, Department of Urology, Madinah Teaching Hospital Faisalabad.
  • Farhan Jamshed Senior Registrar, Department of Urology Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad
  • Nauman Khalid Consultant, Department of Urology, Madinah Teaching Hospital Faisalabad.


Urethral calculi are rare and represent 1-2% of all urinary stone diseases. Rarely, calculus grows to large size and are labeled as a "giant urethral calculus". A 75-year-old male came to the OPD of Madinah Teaching Hospital Faisalabad with a chief complaint of suprapubic pain, penile pain, and hard mass on the left side of the scrotum and anterior perineum. The patient had a significant history of undergoing debridement for Meleney's and Fournier's gangrene, along with suprapubic cystostomy done about 1.5 years back. Physical examination revealed a solid mass with dimensions 6x7 cm on the left side of the scrotum and anterior perineum (left periurethral area). Open surgery was performed. A huge stone, 6x6cm, was removed. Diverticulae were excised, and urethroplasty was performed. A catheter was removed on the 21st postoperative with a satisfactory urinary stream.

How to Cite
Asad Ramzan, Adeen Akram, Suaiba Saif, Farhan Jamshed, & Nauman Khalid. (2021). Giant urethral stone with diverticulum; a case report. Journal of University Medical & Dental College, 12(4), 290-292.
Case Report