Benefits for Reviewers

  1. The journal is recognised by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC). It is indexed and covered by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Crossref, Google Scholar, the Asian Digital Library, Pakmedinet, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), EBSCOhost, and the Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (PASTIC). As a reviewer, you will gain recognition on all these platforms, which may help you officially in your academic career promotion, research grants, etc.
  2. The distinguished reviewers will get partial waiver in the processing charges of their submitted manuscripts and will be given fast track services.
  3. Annual Peer Reviewers’ Hall of Fame (JUMDC-HF 2020): Extraordinary reviewers will be included in the "Annual Peer Reviewers’ Hall of Fame."A photograph and short biography of selected reviewers will be published in JUMDC-HF (a designated section on the JUMDC webpage). A certificate for extraordinary contribution will be issued. The inclusion criteria for JUMDC-HF are as below,

Reviewer evaluation for JUMDC-HF

To ensure also a high-quality review, reviewers are rated on a 5-point scale and reviewers with an average of 4 or more points will be included in JUMDC-HF.

One point is assigned for each of the following:
1. The reviewer responded to the review invitation within the requested time frame

  1. The reviewer reviewed the manuscript within the requested time frame.
  2. The review addressed all aspects which were asked for in the reviewer guidelines.
  3. The Reviewer gave valuable suggestions to improve the revised version.
  4. The review was written in a friendly and encouraging way.
Reviewer Credits is an international platform to give international credits to reviewers, and JUMDC is registered here. You can claim your credit by going to the following website: We’ll verify your contributions to them.|1